This Message Was Meant To Find You: Believe In Your Journey

Believe in your journey


It is time to breathe
Breathe in positive energy and breathe out doubt, fear and worry.
You are on a magical, mysterious journey called life.
And while you may feel like you are running out of time, there is also an opportunity to trust the timing of your life.
Stop resisting change and surrender more to the flow of life.
Be like water. Crystal clear ... free and flowing. 
Follow your intuition before it makes sense and you'll find it leads you exactly where you need to be.

How can you enjoy your life a little more?

1 comment

  • Dankjewel lieve schat! De tekst is prachtig, Inderdaad is het prachtig, je eigen intuïtie te volgen, een gevoel dat een grote rol speelt in mijn leven! Het mooie is dat het me nog nooit in de steek heeft gelaten!!!!

    Mavis G. Gerharda Biekman

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